ARTicles, Issue 5, is now available. Find your copy at the Center for the Arts and the Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art or view it online at
http://www.chaffeyarticles.com/ (links for all issues are at upper-right corner of page).
Issue 5 includes a review of
Oklahoma! by Michelle Mora; two articles by Sheila Taylor on Leslie Dick's performance of
Boundary Lines and the exhibition
What My Family Looks Like at the Wignall Museum of Contemporary Art; and an article by Jules Ebe on the recent
More Than Four Walls event. Photographs by Andrew Portillo and Graphic Design by Daniel Carlos.
ARTicles is a student-driven publication of the Chaffey College Center for the Arts. It is published twice each semester by a consortium of students with a passion for arts, entertainment and culture. The content reflects a diverse sample of the cultural life at the college. ARTicles is generously supported by the Chaffey College Marketing Department.